Hetalia: The Shadows

''(Note that this is not mine, and if you're confused about anything you can just ask me about it.)''

Da Paztah

The air was cold, but not bitter cold. I could hear the German's livid murmurs next to me as we headed down the
empty street. An hour ago, we were stuck in a world meeting. As usual nothing ever progressed and it all ended with
yelling, crying and utter chaos. In the midst of this, Japan thought he could leave early without anyone noticing. Of
course, it seemed he forgot that he was also taking Germany and I home with him. So that meant we were left to
walk back to the Axis' base in the dark.
"Arschloch..." he continued to grumble under his breath. A small giggle escaped my lips. Although I would rather be
in a warm and cozy home, the whole situation of being stuck with this man made me somewhat cheerful.
"Ve, Germany...How far are we now?" I piped up, a grin upon my face. Germany just grumbled and ignored me
seconds later. Typical Germany. I didn't plan to bother him anymore for the night.
The night progressed and we were still walking down the same deserted street as before. I was starting to think we
were lost until I spotted something. Out of the corner of my eye. It was too quick for me to figure out what it was but
it was definitely dark. A flash...? Yes...A dark flash that dashed across my eyes and out of sight.
"G-Germany...? Did you see that...?" I heard him sigh in annoyance.
"No, you're just being stupid."
I nodded back at him. Yes, I certainly was. People see flashes in the corner of their eyes all the time.
Another flash. I swiftly turned my head around, my breath quickening. I noticed the street light a few feet away
flicker out. Odd...I shook my head, smiling to myself. What did I have to worry about that? Lights burn out all the
time. I glanced around the houses, still beaming. Even odder...All the lights were off and the whole street seemed...
lifeless. As if this was a forgotten place that once used to be full of vigor. A shiver ran down my spine. N-no...I was
just being ridiculous, like Germany said.
I felt a cold breeze brush past my cheek. As I turned around in panic, I saw another street light fade to blackness. I
gulped. Perhaps there was something wrong with the electricity here?
"G-Germany...The lights..." I whimpered quietly.
"Oh mein gott, Italy! Stop being so absurd!!" And with that he grabbed my hand and ran back home. I had trouble
keeping up with his hasty speed but I was thankful to leave. As I looked back, I could see the lights gently flickering
on and off. That street was beginning to freak me out and it looked like night wasn't going to end anytime soon.
Minutes later, we arrived back at the Axis' base. Fuming with rage, Germany marched in to only find Japan fast
"Grr...He'll get a beating in the damn morning..." he growled to himself before stomping to his room. Poor
Germany...I would have to wake Japan early and explain the situation to him. The slam of Germany's door echoed
throughout the building. Then silence...I knew no one would appreciate me staying up late and that I would probably
break something if I did. So with that I shrugged and headed upstairs.
"Che...?" As I was halfway up the stairs, something suddenly moved in the corner of my eye. Again? No, I must be
tired...I nodded in reassurance and ran into my room. Just what was up wth me tonight...? Perhaps the meeting
had just worn me out and my brain was playing tricks on me. Yes, it had to be. I quickly clambered into bed with
the light on, not bothering to change clothes or anything. Despite everything I was telling to myself, my heart kept
on racing. I'm being stupid, like Germany said. I pulled the covers over my head tightly. Stupid...
"The shadows..."
My heart suddenly plummeted and I dived out of the comforts of my covers for air. Pitch black...I couldn't see a
thing. Not even my radio clock was shining. Maybe the electricity had gone out here? My chills grew icier, goose
bumps appearing all over my arms. I scrunched my eyes up again, swallowing the lump painfully.
"N-no go away!!" I cried out as my hands twitched with sweat. Eyes so frozen that they couldn't close. All I could do
was stare into the black. Another whisper. No, go away! The voice was nothing like i have ever heard; so shrill it
scraped at my ears yet so silent I could barely hear it. At first I thought it was a woman but now I doubted it was
even of this planet.
"What d-do you want...?" I gulped, voice shaking and barely audible. The air grew so thick that my head started to
"The shadows...live where the lights don't..."
At that point, I bolted out of my bed and darted into the room next to me. A harsh scream ripped out of my throat as
tears streamed down my cheeks.
"Germany!!" I kicked the door down, tumbling in.
Then I froze. My eyes were wide open and staring in horror. Right in front of me, I could see the German sleeping
peacefully. Above him floating a black silhouette of something inhumane and unearthly. Its head turned to reveal its
bloody face contorted into strange and putrid expressions. It writhed before shrieking then suddenly...it smiled. Its
twisted features curled into a sadistic grin at me, exposing its blood stained teeth. It slowly twitched towards me,
still grinning.
Too horrified to move, all I could do was watch it thrash before it reached my feet. It wrapped what seemed to be a
murky arm around my ankles- cold to the touch. As it made its way up my pale body, I could feel my strength being
sapped from me.
"Shadows..." Suddenly my hand twitched in its cold stone sweat. When I blinked, I saw a pair of red orbs staring
into me. No pupils, just red.
"Shadows...live where the light don't..."
Suddenly the door swung open and light flooded the room. The creature in front of me cried out in a sharp screech
before disappearing. Gone right out of my sight. By now, I was too petrified to even speak. My throat was dry and
iced over. Tears kept on pouring as I just stared at that very spot where I saw the blazing red eyes.
"I-Italy...?" I heard a voice faintly. It was Japan. He was the one who obviously opened the door. A rustle. The covers
stirred and Germany's rustled hair appeared. He glared at me, clearly annoyed.
"Italy! What is the meaning of this?!"
It was all I could manage. Throughout my years, I have never experienced anything like that. And I don't wish to ever
From that day, I never went to sleep without a light. Despite my allies' complaints, my light was never switched off.
The moment sunset arrived I would race to all the light switches in the building. I couldn't risk it. I shivered, watching
the bulb in my room glow brightly. Inside, I was thanking it. Thanking it for the light.
Light...Where the shadows don't live.